On February 22, 2024, a group of enthusiastic children from Teachstream embarked on an exciting journey to Brillio’s headquarters in Cluj-Napoca. They set off from Otopeni Airport at dawn, filled with anticipation, with some experiencing their first flight ever.
After a swift 40-minute journey, they touched down in Cluj-Napoca. The first stop was at the Brillio headquarters, where the students were warmly welcomed with a delicious breakfast.
The most memorable part of the day occurred when Brillio emplyees from various departments stepped forward to impart their experiences to the children. Their software programmers, HR specialists, CXA engineers, and BI analysts captivated the young audience with stories of what it’s like to work in their roles.
Throughout the presentations, the children were attentive, culminating in a series of questions and curiosities, all of which were thoughtfully addressed.
The visit concluded with fun activities in the recreation room where they played table tennis, board games, chess, and watched movies.
The adventure didn’t end there. The following day, the students explored the charming old town of Cluj-Napoca and admired the panoramic view of the city from Cetățuia Park.
As they boarded the plane back to Bucharest, tired but full of enthusiasm, they reflected on the experiences they had shared. They returned home happy, ready for more adventures and learning.